Since 1984
Chr. Muller Touw bv
0481 - 365 240
“The result of yarns woven together is many times stronger than the same yarns taken separately. This effect of mutual strengthening through linking applies not only to our products, but also to all business units of Chr. Muller Touw. Our successful connection to our customers proves the power of the method that we would be happy to employ with you!”
Chris Muller,
Managing Director, Chr. Muller Touw
About us
product location, vision and aims
Chr. Muller Touw, in Elst, in the province of Gelderland, in the Netherlands, specialises in the development, production and trade in rope, rope products and associated products.
Chr. Muller Touw offers reliability, tradition, dynamism, knowledge and experience as well as certainty for people, materials and environment in daily activities. A broad range of production techniques, combined with more than 40 years’ experience in the sector, means that we can offer a very broad package of products, as well as customised solutions.
This part of the website gives an insight into our production location, a description of our customers and our work processes as well as the aims of our company, both in an operational sense and for the wider environment.
Our products
product assortment per sector

Construction and Industry

Water sports and Leisure